sexual harassment prevention training online
Sexual harassment prevention training online from Required Training Solutions: fully compliant, easy to administer, affordable. Plus, you’ll learn.
We are extraordinarily pleased to have been named
Best Harassment Prevention Specialists 2024 - USA
by Corporate Vision in their sixth annual Education and Training Awards, celebrating the dedication, innovation, and excellence of educators, trainers, and institutions that are shaping the future of learning.

Why Provide Online Sexual Harassment Prevention Training From Required Training Solutions?
Please consider this <2 minute video:
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Tap the “hamburger” icon at top right, then choose “Login” or “My Dashboard” from the beginning of the list.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Online is Easy to Administer
Sexual harassment prevention training online from Required Training Solutions: fully compliant, easy to administer, affordable. Plus, you’ll learn.
Shopping for Award-Winning Sexual Harassment Prevention Training?   Â
There’s a lot of information here on our site.
Information about the various laws of different states,
requirements of and recommendations for employers,
expectations of employees,
and how our training is able to be complete and compliant with high impact at low bandwidth and low cost.
We encourage you to spend as much time as you like here, getting to know us and our approach to training.
Preventing harassment and abusive conduct makes workplaces safer, happier and more productive for all.
Thank you for considering training with us at
More than 50 employees to train?Â
Check out our
How does the training work?
Our retail portal is available 24/7/365
Online Sexual Harassment Prevention Training is highly affordable
Sexual harassment prevention training online from Required Training Solutions: fully compliant, easy to administer, affordable. Plus, you’ll learn.
Where Are The People To Train Located?
Please pick a state from our growing list below:
* State information is to the best of our knowledge as of 8 April 2024. Send questions to
While our courses have been developed by experts qualified to provide employee training, nothing on this site or in this or other courses is specifically intended to constitute legal advice or serve as a substitute for counsel with expertise in employment law.
To address specific needs in a particular workplace, Required Training Solutions strongly advises site users and visitors to consult in-house counsel or retain independent counsel to advise on industry-specific practices and other specifics and applications.
Or jump straight to our most popular state-specific sites:
Sexual Harassment Prevention Training online from Required Training Solutions is Fully Compliant
Sexual harassment prevention training online from Required Training Solutions: fully compliant, easy to administer, affordable. Plus, you’ll learn.

We make it easy.
Required Training Solutions is a sexual harassment prevention training specialist. The Required Training Solutions family of brands offers a fast, simple online training solution to U.S. state-specific sexual harassment prevention training mandates. features fully compliant online courses that are self-paced, bookmarked, and can be taken from a host of mobile devices anywhere the internet is available.
Course students can stop/start as many times as necessary without losing their place or progress, and retest until they pass. Upon finishing the course, students can immediately download and print/email a certificate of completion.
Employers find Required Training Solutions' online shopping cart system easy to use and course licensing easy to administer post-purchase.
Upon adding the desired number of training courses, in "for yourself" or "for staff" format and in the desired language of instruction to the online shopping cart, the purchase is completed using a credit card.
Immediately the purchaser is emailed a dedicated set of unique links for the "for staff" courses that can be copied and forwarded individually to each employee.
Thereafter, the purchaser can log in to the site's dashboard to generate a real-time report showing which link has been used by which employee, whether or not the employee has begun or finished the training, and can download a copy of each completed student's certificate. Our generated certificates can be validated via our certificate number lookup tool to ensure that they are genuine.

At Required Training Solutions, we know the importance of getting your workers compliant with minimal disruption to the business. We offer full purchaser and student customer support by telephone, email, text message, accessibility widget and platform private messaging seven days a week with response times averaging less than four hours. Choose Required Training Solutions to get compliant with your state's sexual harassment prevention training requirements today.

What Can I Expect From Training from Required Training Solutions?
You'll do a lot of reading at your own pace, and a lot of clicking or tapping.
We're required to make our courses interactive and individualized, so we present material in small chunks, but as fast as you want to see it. Don't worry, you don't have to complete the course all in one sitting. If you need a break or to take care of something, feel free to step away. While the system will time you out if you don't click or tap on anything for about ten minutes, every click or tap is saving your place and your progress.

You'll see a lot of cute pictures of animals.
We don't serve up a lot of cringeworthy pictures of people doing creepy things to others. We're willing to bet you already know what creepy is, so we spare you the visuals.
We won't show you icky videos.Â
For the same reason we don't show you ugly and possibly triggering pictures, we don't use videos in this course or in any of our sexual harassment prevention training or related courses. Because the book is always better than the movie, we prefer to teach by positive example rather than making trainees squirm in discomfort. We know you'll appreciate this.
You'll see a lot of cute pictures of animals.
We don't serve up a lot of cringeworthy pictures of people doing creepy things to others. We're willing to bet you already know what creepy is, so we spare you the visuals.

We won't show you icky videos.Â
For the same reason we don't show you ugly and possibly triggering pictures, we don't use videos in this course or in any of our SHPT or related courses. Because the book is always better than the movie, we prefer to teach by positive example rather than making trainees squirm in discomfort. We know you'll appreciate this.
The first few lessons teach you how to take the course.
We use the first few lessons to explain how to use the course controls, and there's a sample quiz to teach you how to take a quiz. If you've taken one of our courses previously, this will all be familiar and you can skip through the intro part. You'll be into the meat of the content quickly.
There are quizzes and a final exam.
But don't worry, all our quizzes, including the final exam, are retest-until-pass. We don't count how many times anyone retakes any quiz. And we always explain the quiz answers, including why the right answer is right and the other answer choices are wrong. So it's easy to get 100% on our courses.Â
Course completion certificates are issued immediately.
The instant a trainee successfully completes one of our training courses, they are taken to the Achievements tab of the My Dashboard control panel, where certificates of completion are linked in PDF format for immediate download simply by clicking on the course name. Print, email, save or file as desired. No waiting for an email that might take days to arrive or get stuck in spam or junk.
There's an online help resource.
In case anyone should need it, help is one click away. Trainees are encouraged to open the link and leave it open in another window or bookmark it for easy reference.