Our Courses for Connecticut “Time’s Up” Act Compliance
All these courses are fully online self-paced, bookmarked, timed,
stop/start as many times as you want without resetting the timer, retest-until-pass format.
Courses are available from internet-connected desktops and laptops as well as tablets and mobile phones.
Choose from two different methods of course delivery
Choose from two different methods of course delivery
"4U/For You": These Courses Train the PURCHASER ONLY
Courses intended for self training assign the purchased course directly to the purchase method holder's account created during checkout for fast and simple self-training immediately. These courses/course bundles can only be purchased in single units, and only once per training period by the same purchaser. Use courses from this section to train yourself; if you need to use a credit card in a different name or to buy for and train others such as company employees, please see the "To Train Another" registration type, elsewhere on this page.
CT 2024-2026 Sexual Harassment Prevention 2 hr course (4U)
"4U" = TRAIN SELF 2 hour sexual harassment prevention training course, fulfills Connecticut state requirements. Trains person in name on payment method only.…
CT 2024-2026 Harassment Prevention SPANISH 2 hr course (4U)
"4U" = TRAIN SELF in SPANISH 2 hour sexual harassment prevention training course, fulfills Connecticut state requirements. Trains person in name on payment method only.…

"To Train Another": Choose These Courses to Train OTHERS
Courses in this section allow one person to buy and one or more different person(s) to train, with each having their own login credentials. Both the purchaser and every trainee must have their own unique email address. These products are intended for training one or more other people and may be purchased in bulk. One course or course bundle trains one person. Upon purchase, uniquely coded one-time-use hyperlinks will be emailed to the purchaser, one link per course purchased, for distribution to trainees. Students receiving the link will be taken to a self-registration-or-login page and then presented with the course or course bundle purchased. One unit of product provides one course or course bundle which trains one person.
CT 2024-2026 Sexual Harassment Prevention 2 hr course (4ANOTHER)
TRAIN ANOTHER 2 hour sexual harassment prevention training course, fulfills Connecticut state requirements. Allows purchaser to pay for other(s); all must have unique emails. 1 unit trains 1 person…
CT 2024-2026 Harassment Prevention SPANISH 2 hr course (4ANOTHER)
TRAIN ANOTHER IN SPANISH 2 hour sexual harassment prevention training course, fulfills Connecticut state requirements. Allows purchaser to pay for other(s); all must have unique emails. 1 unit trains 1 person…
"4ANOTHER / Para su Equipo": elija estos cursos para capacitar a OTR@S
Los cursos en esta sección permiten que una persona compre y una o más persona(s) diferente(s) capacite(n), cada una con sus propias credenciales de inicio de sesión. Tanto el comprador como cada aprendiz deben tener su propia dirección de correo electrónico única. Estos productos están destinados a capacitar a una o más personas y se pueden comprar a granel. Un curso o paquete de cursos entrena a una persona. En el momento de la compra, se enviarán al comprador hipervínculos de un solo uso codificados de forma única, uno por curso adquirido, para su distribución a los alumnos. Los estudiantes que reciban el enlace serán llevados a una página de auto registro o inicio de sesión y luego se les presentará el curso comprado. Una unidad de producto proporciona un curso o un paquete de cursos que capacita a una persona.
“4U/For You”: estos cursos capacitan SÓLO al COMPRADOR
Los cursos destinados a la autoformación asignan el curso comprado directamente a la cuenta del titular del método de compra creada durante el proceso de pago para una autoformación rápida y sencilla de forma inmediata. Estos cursos/paquetes de cursos solo se pueden comprar en unidades individuales y solo una vez por período de capacitación por parte del mismo comprador. Utilice los cursos de esta sección para capacitarse; Si necesita utilizar una tarjeta de crédito con un nombre diferente o comprar y capacitar a otras personas, como empleados de la empresa, consulte el tipo de registro “Para capacitar a otro”, en otra parte de esta página.
CT 2024-2026 Harassment Prevention SPANISH 2 hr course (4ANOTHER)
TRAIN ANOTHER IN SPANISH 2 hour sexual harassment prevention training course, fulfills Connecticut state requirements. Allows purchaser to pay for other(s); all must have unique emails. 1 unit trains 1 person…
CT 2024-2026 Harassment Prevention SPANISH 2 hr course (4U)
"4U" = TRAIN SELF in SPANISH 2 hour sexual harassment prevention training course, fulfills Connecticut state requirements. Trains person in name on payment method only.…