Your payment method will be charged at the time of purchase. Charges for all our courses will appear on your bill as REQUIRD TRAINING SOLNS. DO NOT dispute a charge with your payment method until you have contacted us FIRST. We can refund faster if you have not opened a dispute.
Due to changes in the law, in the legal environment, in the context of training, and driven by technology, our courses become outdated and need to be replaced. We will not knowingly offer a course with outdated or stale information. As a result, our cancellation policy has changed as follows:
While a course is actively being sold, paid courses or course credits that have not been accessed or utilized can be refunded in full. Contact or call 800-806-4133 to request a refund. We pride ourselves on the timeliness with which we process these requests. Courses are normally active for one year in Illinois and two years in California and elsewhere.
After a course has been replaced with a newer version, paid courses or course credits that have not been accessed or utilized can only be exchanged for store credit, and only for the newest and most up-to-date version of a course on offer. These units will not be refunded.
Unchanged from the previous policy is the fact that courses that have been accessed, and course credits that have been utilized, are nonrefundable and not exchangeable.
Customers are advised to exercise caution in distributing access to paid courses to ensure that access to the appropriate course material is granted to the correct student. Customers are also advised to follow up with their students using the real-time reporting tools provided in order to ensure their students complete the training in a timely fashion.
For private client environment customers when initial private client setup fee(s) has/have been waived, and refund(s) are subsequently requested such that the volume of trainees are now below the initial estimate provided at the time of quote, any refund issued will be net of setup fee(s).
Notwithstanding all the above, RTS reserves the right to grant full or partial refunds at its sole discretion.