This is the home page for Required Training Solutions’ 2020 USA Sexual Harassment Prevention 2 hour course (4u). This course is appropriate for training staff in states without state-specific sexual harassment prevention training requirements. To check on the latest state requirements information, please click here.
This two-hour, in-depth course is especially appropriate for supervisors and staff with supervisory responsibilities, but may be administered to non-supervisory personnel with good results.
This version of the course is delivered in the “4U / Train Yourself” format, allowing the buyer to immediately self-train with their user ID / login created at checkout. It is like the “For Your Team” course in all respects except the form of registration.
This course has no maximum time limit to complete, but you must spend at least two hours (120 minutes) with the content.
Scroll down to see the course curriculum and content sections available for free preview.
While this course has been developed by experts qualified to provide employee training, nothing on this site or in this or other courses is specifically intended to constitute legal advice or serve as a substitute for counsel with expertise in employment law.
To address specific needs in a particular workplace, Required Training Solutions strongly advises site users and visitors to consult in-house counsel or retain independent counsel to advise on industry-specific practices and other specifics and applications.
How do I start taking the course?
If you’ve already purchased the course, go to your My Courses tab of My Dashboard and click Launch Course to start the training.
If you’d like to buy for yourself now, please click on this button:
If your employer sent you a link for a pre-paid training course, click on that link to start training.
If you’d like to buy for your team now, click on this link:
I only need a one hour course instead of this two hour course. What should I do?
If you haven’t already paid, register instead for our one hour USA course here.
If your My Dashboard Courses screen shows the two hour USA course only, don’t Launch Course, but rather email trainer@requiredtrainingsolutions.com to switch out the course and get a small refund as well.
Please see our Terms and Conditions for information on cancellations and refunds.
I need CE credit for a regulated professional license. What should I do?
If you haven’t already purchased, check to see if we are accredited to offer Continuing Education credit in your state and industry here. If we do, you will need to purchase that state- and CE-specific course, as this USA course will not meet the requirements.
If we offer a CE course in your state and industry, but your My Dashboard Courses screen shows the USA course only, don’t Launch Course, but rather email trainer@requiredtrainingsolutions.com to switch out the course without penalty.
Please see our Terms and Conditions for information on cancellations and refunds.
Course Curriculum
I201a – How to Navigate This Course (1)
I202a – How to Navigate This Course (2)
I203a – How to Navigate This Course (3)
I204a – How to Navigate This Course (4)
I205 – How to Navigate This Course (5)
IQ206a Required Questions
I206b – Retaking a Quiz
I207F2 Learning Objectives, 2 hr course Preview
I208FE What You Need to Know as You Start This Course (Federal)
I209F Interactive Training (Fed) Preview
F2000FED Sexual Harassment Prevention Training in Context
F2001FED Intro to Legislation (Fed)
F202 Title VII Preview
F202bFED Gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation 2020
F203a Equal Pay Act
F204 Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
F205 Age Discrimination in Employment Act
F206 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA)
F206b Pregnancy Discrimination Act
F207 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
F208FED Time Limits to File a Complaint
FQ2011FED FedRegs Quiz
ST202 Why State Laws on top of Federal Law?
ST203 Various State Laws compared with Title VII
ST204 Interstate Teamwork in a Digital Age
ST2009 Sexual Assault, MultiState Issues
ST2010 Victims of stalking, domestic violence and sexual assault
ST2011FED Abusive Conduct
D2001 Harassment Introduction
D2002 A Definition of Sexual Harassment
D2001bCT Harassment as an Abuse of Power
D2003 Quid Pro Quo Harassment
D2004 Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment
D2008 Intersectional Harassment
D2009FED No Tolerance Workplace
DQ2012FED2 Definitions Quiz (MultiState2)
L2001 What is Liability?
L2002FED Who Is Liable for Sexual Harassment Under the Law? Preview
L2004FED Employer Liability for Sexual Harassment by Supervisors (Federal)
L2003FED Personal Liability for Sexual Harassment
L2005 What is a Remedy? Preview
L2006 Which Remedies have been Awarded for Sexual Harassment?
LQ2007FED Liability Quiz
R2001FED Know Your Organization
R2003FED Reporting Encouraged
R2004 Prevention Strategies for the Workplace
R2005 Prevention Strategies for the Workplace, continued Preview
R2006 Reporting Best Practices
R2007FED Report to Whom? (MultiState)
R2008 Other Reporting Options
R2009 Supporting Resources Preview
R2010 Duty To Investigate Promptly and No Anonymity
R2011 Support With Anonymity
R2012 Confidentiality After Reporting
R2013FED2 No Retaliation and WhistleBlower Protections (MultiState2)
R2014FED Special Responsibilities of Supervisors (MultiState)
R2015 Supervisor Accused of Harassment
A2001FED Key Concepts
A2002 Denials and Defenses
A2003 Considerations and Evaluations
AQ2006FED2 Applications and Case Studies Quiz, MultiState2
P2000FED Introduction to Documents and Posters Section
P2001FED Family and Medical Leave Act Poster in English and Spanish Preview
P2001bFEDtemp Families First Coronavirus Response Act Poster in English and Spanish Preview
P2002FED Equal Employment Opportunity Poster in English and Spanish Preview
P2003FED Employee Polygraph Protection Act Poster in English and Spanish Preview
P2004FED Fair Labor Standards Act Minimum Wage Poster in English and Spanish Preview
P2005FED Job Safety and Health Act OSHA Poster in English and Spanish Preview
P2006FED USERRA Rights Poster in English Preview
P2007FED Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act Poster in English and Spanish Preview
XQFED2 MultiState2 Final Exam
Z2001FED Student Feedback 7081