This is the “train yourself” version of CA 2020 SB1343 Harassment Prevention Training NON-Supervisors (1 hr) course, the required individual employee training for 2020. It is like the “train your staff” version in every way except the manner of registration. It consists of a minimum of one hour of content.
Scroll down to see the course curriculum and content sections available for free preview.
While this course has been developed by experts qualified to provide employee training under California law, nothing on this site or in this or other courses is specifically intended to constitute legal advice or serve as a substitute for counsel with expertise in employment law.
To address specific needs in a particular workplace, California Required Training Solutions strongly advises site users and visitors to consult in-house counsel or retain independent counsel to advise on industry-specific practices and other specifics and applications.

Do NOT take this course if you are a “supervisor” according SB-1343. To be compliant, you need to take the Supervisors’ course instead.
Who, exactly, is a supervisor?
A person qualifies as a supervisor for purposes of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) if they have the discretion and authority to:
(a) hire, transfer, promote, assign, reward, discipline, or discharge other employees, or effectively recommend any of these actions;
(b) act on the grievances of other employees or to effectively recommend action on grievances; or
(c) direct staff members’ daily work activities.
OK, I’m NOT a supervisor. How do I start taking the course?
If your employer sent you a link for a pre-paid training course,
click on that link to self-register and attach the prepaid course to your profile.
If you haven’t purchased and you’d like to buy now, choose a button below:
Under this definition, I AM a supervisor. What should I do?
If you haven’t already registered, register instead for the Supervisors course here.
If your My Dashboard Courses screen shows the Non-Supervisors course only, don’t Launch Course, but rather email registrar@calreq.com to process the upgrade and partial payment that will be required.
Please see our Terms and Conditions for information on cancellations and refunds.
Course Curriculum
I201 – How to Navigate This Course (1)
I202 – How to Navigate This Course (2)
I203 – How to Navigate This Course (3)
I204 – How to Navigate This Course (4)
I205 – How to Navigate This Course (5)
IQ206 Required Questions
I206bCA – Retaking a Quiz
I207CA Learning Objectives Preview
I208CANS What You Need to Know as You Start This Course
I209CA Effective Interactive Training Preview
F201CANS Intro to Legislation (NonSupes)
F202 Title VII Preview
F208CA9 Time Limits to File a Complaint (CA)
CA201 – California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) Preview
CA202 Why State Laws Like FEHA?
CA203 FEHA compared with Title VII
CAQ204NS Cal Regs Quiz (NonSupes)
D2001 Harassment Introduction
D2002 A Definition of Sexual Harassment
D2003 Quid Pro Quo Harassment
D2004 Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment
DQ2005CANS Definitions Quiz 1 (NonSupes)
D2006CA Who is Protected in CA?
D2007CA Gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation
D2009CA Sexual Assault California Definition
D2010CA Victims of stalking, domestic violence and sexual assault
D2011CA Abusive Conduct
DQ2012CANS Definitions Quiz 2 (NonSupes)
L2001 What is Liability?
L2002 Who Is Liable for Sexual Harassment Under the Law? Preview
L2003 Personal Liability for Sexual Harassment
L2004str Employer Liability for Sexual Harassment by Supervisors (Strict)
L2005 What is a Remedy? Preview
L2006 Which Remedies have been Awarded for Sexual Harassment?
R2001CA Know Your Organization
R2002CA No Tolerance Workplace
R2003CA Reporting Encouraged
R2004CA Prevention Strategies for the Workplace
R2005 Prevention Strategies for the Workplace, continued Preview
R2006 Reporting Best Practices
R2007CA Report to Whom? (CA)
R2008 Other Reporting Options
R2009 Supporting Resources Preview
R2010 Duty To Investigate Promptly and No Anonymity
R2011 Support With Anonymity
R2012 Confidentiality After Reporting
R2013CANS No Retaliation and WhistleBlower Protections (NonSupes)
AQ2005CANS Case Studies Quiz (NonSupes)
P1901CA DFEH Required Document: Sexual Harassment Pamphlet in English and Spanish Preview
P1902CA DFEH Required Document: Transgender Rights in the Workplace Pamphlet in English and Spanish Preview
P1903CA DFEH Required Poster: California Law Prohibits Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Preview
XQCANS Non-Supervisor Final Exam
Z2001CANS Student Feedback 4769