This is the home page for Illinois Required Training Solutions’ 2023 Chicago Bystander Intervention training, part of a course bundle that contains annual sexual harassment training for Illinois employees as well as containing the specialized content required for workers within the City of Chicago.
This course meets and exceeds the bystander intervention training requirement of Chicago Ordinance 2022-665. This Ordinance changed the Chicago city municipal code to require that every worker in Chicago receive one hour of bystander intervention training, in addition to their required sexual harassment prevention training, every year.
This course requires one hour (60 minutes) of time spent with the course content. It does NOT have to be completed all in one sitting. Some people take longer depending on their preferred learning speed. The course has no maximum time limit to complete.
Scroll down to see the course curriculum and content sections available for free preview.
Not Legal Advice
While this course has been developed by experts qualified to provide employee training, nothing on this site or in this or other courses is specifically intended to constitute legal advice or serve as a substitute for counsel with expertise in employment law.
To address specific needs in a particular workplace, Illinois Required Training Solutions strongly advises site users and visitors to consult in-house counsel or retain independent counsel to advise on industry-specific practices and other specifics and applications.
How do I start taking the course?
If you’ve already purchased the Chicago Bar/restaurant Bundle for yourself, go to your My Courses tab of My Dashboard and click Launch Course to start training with either course.
If you’ve already purchased the Chicago NON bar/restaurant Bundle for yourself, go to your My Courses tab of My Dashboard and click Launch Course to start training with either course.
If your employer sent you a link for a pre-paid training course, click on that link to start training.
If you've previously trained with us AND your device is currently logged in to our system OR you are training on shared equipment AND you received a link for a NEW prepaid training course or bundle, you will be asked to click on the provided link TWICE to attach the new course or bundle to your student account.
The first click will log you out. Don't log back in at this point, but instead click again as instructed in the pop-up message.
The second click will give you a redemption screen where you redeem the prepaid course by logging back in as a Returning User.
If you don't see the new course listed under your My Courses tab, you may not have clicked the link twice. Just do so again, following the instructions on screen.
If you’d like to buy Chicago Bar/Restaurant Bundles for your workers now, click on this link:
If you’d like to buy NON-bar/restaurant bundles for other(s) now, click on this link:
I think I’ve been enrolled in the wrong course. What should I do?
If your My Courses tab of My Dashboard shows the undesired course(s) only, don't click or tap Launch Course, but rather email help@requiredtrainingsolutions.com to request an immediate refund, then (re)purchase the preferred course/bundle. Currently offered training courses that have not been started are fully refundable. Outdated/obsolete training courses that have not been started are fully transferable.
We're here to help, please just reach out. Please see our Terms and Conditions for full information on cancellations and refunds.
I need CE credit for a regulated professional license renewal. What should I do?
If you haven't already paid, register instead for one of our CE courses/course bundles here.
If your My Courses tab of My Dashboard shows the undesired course(s) only, don't click or tap Launch Course, but rather email help@requiredtrainingsolutions.com to request an immediate refund, then (re)purchase the preferred course/bundle. Currently offered training courses that have not been started are fully refundable. Outdated/obsolete training courses that have not been started are fully transferable.
We're here to help, please just reach out. Please see our Terms and Conditions for full information on cancellations and refunds.
I’m not in Chicago, but want to take or offer Bystander Intervention training. What should I do?
Shortly, we will offer Bystander Intervention Training as a standalone course alongside our MultiState (federal) course offerings. Please see that page here.
Course Curriculum
BF2201 – Who is a Bystander?
BF2202 – Why Get Involved? – Restraining Forces
BF2203 -Restraining Forces (2) – Big Crowd, Making it Worse?
BF2204 – Restraining Forces (3) – What if the Harasser Turns on Me?
BFQ2209 – Bystander Fundamentals Quiz
BIM2201 – (More Than Simply) Direct Confrontation
BIM2202 – Interrupt, Distract, Deflect
BIM2202b – Won’t the Harasser Learn?
BIM2203 – Getting Help
BIM2204 – Observe and Record (IL)
BIM2205 – Support and Report
BIMQ2209 – Bystander Intervention Methods Quiz
BCS2201 – Choosing the Right Intervention Method
BCS2202 – Bystander Intervention in the Workplace
BCS2203 – Workplace Intervention – Help and Reporting (Chicago)
BCS2204 -Benefits of Active Bystanders
BCS2205 -Why Workplaces Want (And Need!) Active Bystanders
BCS2206 – But Am I Going To Get Fired?
BCSQ2209 – Bystander Strategy Choices Quiz
BAQ2209 – Bystander Applications Quiz
Z2301ByChi Student Feedback, and Checking Your Work (34044)
XQ22ByChi Final Exam (Chicago Bystanders)
XZILBy – Final Screen (Chicago Bystanders)