Demo: CA Nonsupervisor Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Powerful Preview of Effective Compliance in ~1 HourDemo: CA Nonsupervisor Sexual Harassment Prevention Training – test-drive the effective compliance solution tailored for HR administrators and SME owners.

This is the home page for the Audit/Demo version of California Required Training Solutions’ CA 2025-2026 Sexual Harassment Prevention NONSupervisor English, meeting the California State minimum training requirements for every-two-years sexual harassment training for California workers who are NOT supervisors.
This version of the course is for AUDIT / DEMONSTRATION purposes only. It is like the production course in all material respects except the certificate of completion, which is labelled "SAMPLE". In this way we can confirm that nothing of value was provided to any regulator in granting access to this course/bundle.
This course meets and exceeds the sexual harassment prevention training requirement of California Senate Bill 1343 and is delivered by a qualified trainer under the statute.
This course is NOT suitable for California janitorial service provider or contractor workers. Per AB 547, covered CA janitorial employers must register and provide in-person sexual violence and harassment prevention training to meet specialized requirements, which the California Labor Commissioner is enforcing starting January 1, 2024. At this time California Required Training Solutions does not provide in-person training. More information on AB 547 can be found here.
This version of our course is delivered in the " To Train Another / For Your Staff " registration format, with unique hyperlinks delivered to the purchaser / administrator by email for distribution by them to individual workers / others. Both the purchaser / administrator and the trainee(s) must have unique (not shared) email addresses. One unit of training product trains one person. This version of the course is like the “4U / Train Yourself” course in all respects except the form of registration.
This course requires one hour (60 minutes) of time spent with the course content. It does NOT have to be completed all in one sitting. Some people take longer depending on their preferred learning speed. The course has no maximum time limit to complete.
Scroll down to see the course curriculum and content sections available for free preview.
Not Legal Advice
While this course has been developed by experts qualified to provide and deliver sexual harassment prevention training within the State of California, nothing on this site or in this or other courses is specifically intended to constitute legal advice or serve as a substitute for counsel with expertise in employment law.
To address specific needs in a particular workplace, California Required Training Solutions strongly advises site users and visitors to consult in-house counsel or retain independent counsel to advise on industry-specific practices and other specifics and applications.
Demo: CA Nonsupervisor Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Powerful Preview of Effective Compliance in ~1 Hour
Do NOT take this course if you are a "supervisor" according SB-1343. To be compliant, you need to take the Supervisors' course instead.
Who, exactly, is a supervisor?
A person qualifies as a supervisor for purposes of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) if they have the discretion and authority to:
(a) hire, transfer, promote, assign, reward, discipline, or discharge other employees, or effectively recommend any of these actions;
(b) act on the grievances of other employees or to effectively recommend action on grievances; or
(c) direct staff members' daily work activities.
Demo: CA Nonsupervisor Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Powerful Preview of Effective Compliance in ~1 Hour
How do I start taking the course?
If you've already enrolled in the audit/demo version of the course, go to your My Courses tab of My Dashboard and click Launch Course to start the training.
If you've previously trained with us AND your device is currently logged in to our system OR you are training on shared equipment AND you received a link for a NEW prepaid training course or bundle, you will be asked to click on the provided link TWICE to attach the new course or bundle to your student account.
The first click will log you out. Don't log back in at this point, but instead click again as instructed in the pop-up message.
The second click will give you a redemption screen where you redeem the prepaid course by logging back in as a Returning User.
If you don't see the new course listed under your My Courses tab, you may not have clicked the link twice. Just do so again, following the instructions on screen.
A reminder that this version of the course is for AUDIT / DEMONSTRATION purposes only. It is like the production course in all material respects except the certificate of completion, which is labelled "SAMPLE". Please do not complete an Audit/Demo version of the course if you require a certificate of compliance.
If you've yet to request a free demo, please use the button below to fill out a short request form.
The section immediately below this one relates to the production/retail versions of this course and is shown here for reference and when you'd like to buy:
Demo: CA Nonsupervisor Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Powerful Preview of Effective Compliance in ~1 Hour
OK, I'm NOT a supervisor. How do I start taking the course?
If your employer sent you a link for a pre-paid training course, click on that link to start training.
If you've previously trained with us AND your device is currently logged in to our system AND you received a link for a NEW prepaid training course or bundle, click on that link TWICE to attach the new course or bundle to your existing student account.
The first click will log you out. Don't log back in at this point, but instead click again as instructed in the pop-up message.
The second click will give you a redemption screen where you redeem the new prepaid course or bundle by logging back in as a Returning User.
If you don't see the new course(s) listed under your My Courses tab, you may not have clicked the link twice as instructed above. Just do so again, following the instructions on screen.
Once you have redeemed a prepaid link for a course bundle, ALL the bundled courses will appear in your My Courses tab. Clicking on the link after redemption will report that the link has already been used. Simply log in to the system and start or resume training from the My Courses tab.
If you've already purchased the course for yourself, go to your My Courses tab of My Dashboard and click Launch Course to start the training.
If you'd like to buy for your team now, click on this link:
If you'd like to buy for yourself now, please click on this button:
Under this definition, I AM a supervisor. What should I do?
If you haven't already paid, register instead for the Supervisors course, for yourself here and for other(s) to train here. That course is two hours long, and has different content requirements. Unfortunately, taking the non-supervisor's course twice will NOT meet the requirement.
If your employer sent you a link for pre-paid training, reach out to the person who sent it to you. Maybe you were sent the wrong link?
If your My Courses tab of My Dashboard shows the undesired course(s) only, don't click or tap Launch Course, but rather email to request an immediate refund, then (re)purchase the preferred course/bundle. Currently offered training courses that have not been started are fully refundable. Outdated/obsolete training courses that have not been started are fully transferable.
We're here to help, please just reach out. Please see our Terms and Conditions for full information on cancellations and refunds.
I am accredited by the California Dental Board and need CE credit toward my professional license renewal. What should I do?
If you haven't already paid, register instead for one of our California Dental CE courses here.
If your My Courses tab of My Dashboard shows the undesired course(s) only, don't click or tap Launch Course, but rather email to request an immediate refund, then (re)purchase the preferred course/bundle. Currently offered training courses that have not been started are fully refundable. Outdated/obsolete training courses that have not been started are fully transferable.
We're here to help, please just reach out. Please see our Terms and Conditions for full information on cancellations and refunds.
If you'd like to buy this course to be delivered in Spanish please click here to purchase for other(s) to train:
Or this button, to train yourself in Spanish:
Demo: CA Nonsupervisor Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Powerful Preview of Effective Compliance in ~1 Hour
Course Curriculum
A2301 Sex, Power, and Influence
A2302 Assumptions Get In The Way
A2303 Prevention Strategies for the Workplace
F231CANS Intro to Legislation (CA NONsupes)
F232 Title VII
CA231 California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) Preview
CA232 FEHA Compared With Title VII
CA254 CA updates: SB 331 and SB 93 (Nonsupes)
LGQ234CA Legislation Quiz (mini)
D2301CA Sexual Harassment in general, Federally and in CA
D2302 Quid Pro Quo Harassment
D2303CA Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment (CA)
D2306CA Who is Protected in CA?
D2307CA Gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation
D2309CA Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse CA Definitions
D2310CA Victims of stalking, domestic violence and sexual assault
D2311CA Abusive Conduct (CA)
D2312CA Use and Evaluation (CA)
DQ2414CA Definitions Quiz (CA NONsupes)
L2301CA Liability for Sexual Harassment – Employer/Employee
L2305CA What is a Remedy? Which Remedies for Sexual Harassment? Preview
R2301CA Reporting by Employees (CA)
R2302CA Reporting: Best Practices, and to Whom? (CA)
R2303CANS Time Limits to File a Complaint (CA NON-supes)
R2304 Duty To Investigate Promptly and Anonymity Not Guaranteed
R24055 Confidentiality After Reporting
R2306CA Supporting Resources, and Anonymity, for CA Workers
R2307CANS WhistleBlower Protections Against Retaliation (CA NONSupes) Preview
R2308CANS Duties of an Employer to Correct Harassing Behavior
DISC2401CA California Required Discussion Question 1 2024
AQ231CANS Applications Quiz (CA NONSupes)
P2300CA CA Required Documents and Posters Preview
Z2501CAEN Student Feedback, and Checking Your Work (46594)
XQ241CANS Final Exam (CA NONSupes)
Z2309CAEN Final Lesson (California)
Demo: CA Nonsupervisor Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Powerful Preview of Effective Compliance in ~1 Hour
What Can I Expect From This Course or Course Bundle?
You'll do a lot of reading at your own pace, and a lot of clicking or tapping.
We're required to make our courses interactive and individualized, so we present material in small chunks, but as fast as you want to see it. Don't worry, you don't have to complete the course all in one sitting. If you need a break or to take care of something, feel free to step away. While the system will time you out if you don't click or tap on anything for about ten minutes, every click or tap is saving your place and your progress.

You'll see a lot of cute pictures of animals.
We don't serve up a lot of cringeworthy pictures of people doing creepy things to others. We're willing to bet you already know what creepy is, so we spare you the visuals.
We won't show you icky videos.
For the same reason we don't show you ugly and possibly triggering pictures, we don't use videos in this course or in any of our sexual harassment prevention training or related courses. Because the book is always better than the movie, we prefer to teach by positive example rather than making trainees squirm in discomfort. We know you'll appreciate this.
You'll see a lot of cute pictures of animals.
We don't serve up a lot of cringeworthy pictures of people doing creepy things to others. We're willing to bet you already know what creepy is, so we spare you the visuals.

We won't show you icky videos.
For the same reason we don't show you ugly and possibly triggering pictures, we don't use videos in this course or in any of our SHPT or related courses. Because the book is always better than the movie, we prefer to teach by positive example rather than making trainees squirm in discomfort. We know you'll appreciate this.
The first few lessons teach you how to take the course.
We use the first few lessons to explain how to use the course controls, and there's a sample quiz to teach you how to take a quiz. If you've taken one of our courses previously, this will all be familiar and you can skip through the intro part. You'll be into the meat of the content quickly.
There are quizzes and a final exam.
But don't worry, all our quizzes, including the final exam, are retest-until-pass. We don't count how many times anyone retakes any quiz. And we always explain the quiz answers, including why the right answer is right and the other answer choices are wrong. So it's easy to get 100% on our courses.
Course completion certificates are issued immediately.
The instant a trainee successfully completes one of our training courses, they are taken to the Achievements tab of the My Dashboard control panel, where certificates of completion are linked in PDF format for immediate download simply by clicking on the course name. Print, email, save or file as desired. No waiting for an email that might take days to arrive or get stuck in spam or junk.
There's an online help resource.
In case you should need it, help is one click away. Feel free to open the link and leave it open in another window or bookmark it if you'd like.
Demo: CA Nonsupervisor Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Powerful Preview of Effective Compliance in ~1 Hour
This retail version of this course as reviewed year to date:
CA 2025-2026 Sexual Harassment Prevention NON-Supervisor English
easy to follow
good courseExcellent Course
Well Organized
This was an informative and well designed courseNever have experience sexual harassment
I have never feel harassment at workdespedido del trabajo bajo ninguna sircuntacia
hhshhshPrevious version of the course as retailed:
CA 2023-2025 SB1343 Sexual Harassment Prevention NON-Supe English
learned a lotThorough
Good, thorough course and easy to understand.Hard to sit through
I taught sexual harassment for a large law enforcement agency. This course was rough. The read only way of instruction is very difficult for a lot of learners and it is difficult to retain anything.Had agreat information and i learend alot from it
Good jobgood
I enjoyed how interactive everything was and how each section wasn’t too long too read. very nicely put togetherGood jokes while also being serious
title is good
Title explains very well what the content is all about.Review
It explained a lot in detail and I was able to learn more than I thought about the laws in sexual harassment than I have in other trainings I have gotten.Very informative.
Content Designer
The person in charge of graphics definitely made this course more enjoyable. The reference to The Office was pretty good too.Arpgs are not all that
personally i like turn based combat. planning out moves and seeing them executed gives me a satisfaction that pure action falls flat on. That is why i am no excited about the ff16 release in the slightest. all they have done is borrow from demon souls, like everything else lately and give it an ff vibe, which they also don\'t do well. at least with 15 i could recognize the monsters. Yes there is flashy numbers popping up above the enemies, but what happened to the old back and forth to catchy musicLoad of information
Awesome informationPretty Good
Maybe less words explaining some things, and more real-life examplesCA 2023-2025 SB1343 Sexual Harassment Prevention Review
Easy and simple to follow course.Simple but Effective
Plainly explained all relevant laws to better understand what is appropriate and inappropriate. Lists examples to better understand the process, incidents, and post-action.Sexual HArrassment Prevention Non Supervisory
Concise and clear
This training took me, as an employee, under two hours to complete while reading the entirety. The information was clear, easy to understand, and detailed in genuinely important areas, as opposed to the obvious things we already know. It also offers a diverse set of questions and scenarios, as opposed to the simple and stereotypical images you get in your head when thinking about sexual harassment.Very clear and friendly
This was very informative and straightforward to understand.교육이 여러가지 언어로 제공되면 좋겠습니다
Good info
Good infoImportant information
I appreciate the detail put into this.good info
Learned a lot
Especially about current laws that just started in CA in 2023.Simple enough
I get the need for it, though it seems so ‘common sense’. The course was simple and painless, if a bit long. No real complaints.Harassment
good information about sexual harassment lawsExcellent Course
I found this course to be well put together, concise but very informative! It was easy to breeze through the lessons and I love the platform. Well done!Training review
Website was easy to navigate and very straightforward.Informative, but too long
Course was very informative, but could\'ve used more interactive portions or video lessonsNice
Good courseTo the point and efficient.
The content is very straight-forward and easy to accomplish.Dental back office
Simple enough thank youGreat instructions
This feels icky
You should ask to be rated after am 100 %donesexual harassment
very goodRDH
All good informationSexual Harassment Prevention
Didn\'t care for length of test/review.good
very good information an understandableThis was actually highly tolerable in the world of HR stuff
I found this painless and had relevant things to actually digest and were moderately interesting. I also appreciated the lively language and brevity. 10/10 would paperwork againFine
Sexual Harassments Training.
Very informative.5
extremely easy to understandOverall well done
While I disagree with the quiz\'s question as saying \"I don\'t know + [insert sarcastic statement here]\" isn\'t exactly doing what the answer suggested it was doing. I can\'t complain with the overall presentation of the information and I think it does a good job at providing the information in a clear and memorable manner.Overall Very Good
The content was informative and well-written. The website is easy to navigate. The only suggestions for improvement I have are a) combine the \"understood\" and \"next\" buttons as clicking two buttons is a little annoying, and b) add more quizzes to make sure that we\'re really understanding the information.Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
There are several typos you may wish to fix. Too many instructions before even starting the training. That is annoying.Good
Great but a lot of information.Great Information regarding sexual harassment in the work place
good info- learned a lotGreat
Great way to explain things.Waitress
niceEasy to understand
Pre School Teacher
This course was helpful.Great!!
It was ok
I feel this is way to long of a course and a lot of the questions make you fail because of the way you word it this can definitely be betterReview
No commentExcellent
Very good contentgreat course
easy to understand and gets right to the nuts and bolts of the contentGood stuff!
Expeditious Program
User friendly and informative, easily comprehended!Cardiovascular Sonographer
very InformativeGreat information
Sexual Harassment Course
Very Useful course
Was a bit long but very useful, great review and easy to understand.5
Very informative and well explainedGood
Very smooth and well oriented.I like how this course is updated and mildly entertaining
I appreciate the way this course was written. It made it easy to take and understand. It was like a friend telling me how the laws work. The quizzes were made in a way that was to actually make sure I understood my rights and not a \"Got ya\" kind of format. Well done.Course review
Very detailed with good examples. But too long.NONE
class was straightforward
ConciseSexual Harassment Prevention
Easy to follow and understand.Great Training Course
Amazing experienceReview
Good information and user friendly site.great information
learned stuff that i didn\'t know prior to this workshopOv
very good
Site in general isn’t user-friendly and doesn’t function correctly.Training
Pretty straight forward
Covered course objectivesGood explanations, format change preferred...
I legit read through everything (which took me well over an hour, and I\'m only getting paid for 1 hour of this through my employer), but it was very long and I feel most people will unfortunately just click through to the quizzes. Maybe you should make it more interactive or actually have some short videos or audio clips - the whole thing is just screens and reading.Training
I really enjoyed this training, I have learned a lot!Thorough and Comprehensible
Easy to navigate, covered all necessary subjects without being repetitive.Practical
Good overview of the law around this topic. A bit over the top on how to navigate the test UI but that\'s not a big deal.Ismael Moreno
Convenient. But in person training just as long.good experience
the course was very helpful, and I understood everything. I liked the examples it provided & how they were explained.Clear and Helpful Course
The course was straightforward, easy to follow and understand, and helpful in understanding some of the more complex legal ideas behind the material. Would definitely recommend this to other employers or organizations that need training solutions.Naomi
simple and straight forwardTwo topics wouldn\'t come up on my screen.
Two of the topics wouldn\'t come up on my screen. I am using an Apple computer, that may be the problem. The Discussion Question had way to much blank space to scroll through before getting to the different
Very informational, loved the examples givenEasily understood
Sexual Harassment Prevention NON-Supe English
Detailed and InformativeEducating future employees is important
I feel like it is very important to educate not only future employees but people in general about sexual harassment, some things that can be \"normal\" or a \"joke\" for some people, can be very invasive and offensive for others, and we have to respect others dignity and personal
Great course
Course was easy to navigateEasy to understand
well constructed course content
this was fast paced and effectiveThank you!
Enjoyed it. Easy to use and also interesting. Good images that were calming and humorous. On top of that the beginning portion that stated \"don\'t worry, we wont make you watch triggering or cringey videos\" was very reassuring, and felt very self aware.Sexual harassment
This is a good source of learning about sexual harassment’s and understanding5 stars
Director of Children\'s Ministries
Terrible interface
Terrible interface. Worst of these courses that I\'ve taken.Great course
Great courseWasn\'t able to view mandatory policy docs
Overall course was fine, but at the end I was not able to view/download the mandatory documents that must be posted on the wall.Great Training
Training had great examples and explained things well.Harassment training
Very thorough and basic informationSexual Harassment Prevention
5 Star Review
Easy and quickNot uncomfortable
I\'m a young employee with this being my first time doing training, and it was less uncomfortable than I thought it would be. The animal pictures helped. The star off is for a couple pages where the website kept crashing, no matter how many times I re-logged in.Informative
Easy to navigate - directions were detailed
Easy to navigateSexual Harassment Prevention
Pretty simple and fast not too bad.Great!
It was a great way to learnAccounting
Detailed, and well organized.Error on Discussion Comment
After submitting my check for understanding on DISC2301CA: I was forwarded to a \'safety check\' declairing I did not have access to tools as I was not an Admin? Then when I returned back to the page to make another attempt at submitting my answer to the discussion topic, I was met with seemingly Administrative tools for grading and responding to other \'students\' submissions. I moved right along but wanted to bring to whomever this may concern\'s attention for remedy. Thanks.Concise yet thourough
Kudos for acknowledging that POV training could be re-traumatizing to someone.Good Survey with just the right amount of self awareness to be goofy
Okay but why did the scenarios have me reacting as if i was reading a workplace drama screenplay?! Really good writing.sexual harassment
seems clunky in the presentation of material and the instructions regarding the means to navigate / interface with the program.good
detailedGreat info
Solid information about sexual harassment thanks !Good but
Good but less scrollingVery Informative
The course is well detailed and addresses important information about sexual harassment in the workplace.harassment training
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Good course
Good class. Straight forward and to the point. Nothing extraneous. Could add a few real-life examples to highlight the central points.Very easy and explained well!
This didn\'t take me long to complete and everything is very simple.Sexual Harassment Prevention Non-Supe English
5 star
5 stargood experience
In depth, but graphically distracting and cumbersome
Positives: In depth Negatives: Graphically hard to follow with the different sections, interface was a little cumbersomeInformative
Informative.service advisor
Understandable info for the workplace
Information is easy to understand and apply back in the workplacetedious instructions
interface is strange and instructions on how to navigate are unnecessarily cumbersomeSexual Harassment Prevention
Information is very detailedpoorly put together
Great photos
They did a great job of making this dry content more fun with funny pictures.Overall Well Done
Easy to understand and fairly simple to completeSedra
It’s longStraightforward review and explanation
The course was straightforward, easy to navigate, and easy to understand.Easy Read
Material is clear and easy to read and easy to follow alongGood Information and to the point
Thank you for putting together this excellent course.good job
Demo: CA Nonsupervisor Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Powerful Preview of Effective Compliance in ~1 Hour
Demo: CA Nonsupervisor Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Powerful Preview of Effective Compliance in ~1 Hour
Demo: CA Nonsupervisor Sexual Harassment Prevention Training – Powerful Preview of Effective Compliance in ~1 Hour

TRAIN ANOTHER *AUDIT/DEMO* sexual harassment prevention training course, would fulfill CA req't for NONsupervisor training. NOT for Chicago workers. Trainees must have unique email addresses.
Course Provider: Organization
Course Provider Name: California Required Training Solutions, a Required Training Solution™
Course Provider URL:
Course Mode: Online
Course Workload: PT1H
Start Date: 2025-01-01
End Date: 2026-12-31
Course Type: Free
Course Currency: USD