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How to Navigate This Course (1)

Great.  You’ve located a button in the bottom frame of this reading pane, which we’re calling the windowsill.  You’ll be using these controls as you move through the course.

We’ll get to the sexual harassment content shortly.  But first, a few more tips and tricks as to how to navigate the course:

You don’t have to take this course all in one sitting.  If you need a break or to take care of someone, feel free to step away.  If you don’t click or tap on anything for ten minutes, our system will time you out and return you to your My Courses tab of your My Dashboard control panel.

If you know how to bookmark a web link, you may want to set one for  your My Courses tab of your My Dashboard control panel.

To re-enter the course from My Courses, just click the Launch Course link again.

Please scroll down all the way on each screen.  In the lessons, you risk missing some content if you don’t go all the way down.  But in the quizzes, you risk missing answer choices or more questions.  So please ensure that the whole screen has loaded in your browser and scroll as necessary to see all there is. You may need to click or tap once within this reading pane to encourage your browser to hurry up. 

Please don’t stress the quizzes.  All our quizzes and our final exam are retest-until-pass.  And after you submit your answers, we will tell you the correct answer, how you answered the question if that’s different, and why the right answer is right and the wrong answers are wrong.  If you must take the quiz again to pass the course, we’ll give you that option right away while it’s fresh in your mind.  Nobody’s counting how many times you repeat a quiz, and feel free to make notes if you like. Our questions are designed to be subtle and thought-provoking.

Don’t worry, we won’t show you those icky videos.  Sexual harassment prevention training doesn’t need to be uncomfortable. Ask anyone if they’ve completed their harassment training and invariably you’ll get a roll of the eyes and a wince. We recognize that this comes from videos depicting triggering and cringeworthy behavior. You’ll be pleased to know that we do not use video in this course or in any of our SHPT courses. We believe the book is always better than the movie, and it is our experience that for greatest real impact, it’s better to teach by positive example rather than making people squirm in discomfort.  We know you’ll appreciate this. 

There is a timer running – please ignore it.  You can take as long as you like with this course – nobody will see or make any judgment.  Since this course earns one hour of continuing education, we need to be able to prove to the State, if asked, that you spent at least one hour with the content.  So if you read and click really fast, and you get to the end of this course before the hour is up, we’ll ask you to click around and spend a little more time with the material before we award your certificate.

And (perhaps again), we have accessibility help for those who need it.  The little blue person icon on the middle right side of this window is our accessibility widget by UserWay.  It features a screen reader, visual assistance and other features, as well as inline accessibility help.  We are pleased to protect the civil rights of our student by fostering accessibility through our partnership with UserWay.

Technical help is available.  We have a technical Frequently Asked Questions section in both English and Spanish.  It’s on the main web site in the menus under Support, it’s available from the page introducing every quiz, it’s on the course home page, and it’s available from the Home icon in the upper right green header of this course.  We put it a lot of places to make it convenient as you need it.

You can talk to a person too.  Not very confident with technology?  Not everyone is.  Unsure of the nuances of sexual harassment prevention?  Don’t worry, we have a qualified trainer ready to help.  Call us on 800-806-4133 or email us at if you have a question or want a little extra support.  We don’t want anyone to struggle!

OK.  Now we need to review with you those two buttons that appear in the bottom frame of this reading pane, which we’re calling the windowsill.  These buttons will appear in every Lesson in this course.  You’ll be using both of these buttons on every screen on which they appear.

a polar bear politely indicates that this next point is kind of important

The first button has the icon of a checkmark.  On tablets and larger screen devices, this button has a text label as well.  It can say “Understood” or “Mark As Complete”.

As you go through the course, remember that you will need to check mark every lesson as Understood in order to complete the course.

It’s fine to skip the mark on a given lesson, especially if you want to come back to it, for example if you have a question or don’t understand something.  But to save you time in the long run it pays to check off the simple stuff as you go.

After you click or tap on the checkmark button, your reading pane may scroll back up to the top.  This will remind you of the title of the lesson you just marked that you have Understood, in comparison with the next lesson you’re about to take.

The other button has the icon of a right-facing arrow.  On tablets and larger screen devices, this button can say “Next” which really means “Next Lesson”.  It moves you forward in the course one lesson.

Let’s try locating and using these two buttons now.  Please scroll down to the bottom of this pane.

Ready to move forward in the course?

First, tap or click the check mark button in the center windowsill.

Next, tap or click the Next Lesson right arrow in the right windowsill.

Arrow pointing to the check mark button in the bottom center of the right hand pane's frame or windowsill.
then, click or tap the right arrow Next button on the right side of the windowsill

Ready to move forward in the course?

First, tap or click the check mark button in the center windowsill.

Next, tap or click the Next Lesson right arrow in the right windowsill.

Arrow images pointing out the check mark button in the bottom center of the right reading pane's lower frame or windowsill, which should be marked first, then second to tap or click the Next Lesson button in the right windowsill.