You made it to the final screen of this course.

In just a moment, you will tap or click the buttons at the bottom of this screen.
If everything is complete and correct, moving forward will give you a Success confirmation and take you to the Achievements tab of your My Dashboard control panel.
The Achievements tab of your My Dashboard control panel is where you will get your certificate.
All your certificates earned from us are available to you at all times from your Achievements tab of your My Dashboard control panel.
Look to the certificates section (below the badges) for the underlined link with the name of this training course.
Clicking or tapping the underlined course name link downloads a PDF document to your device’s Downloads folder.
You can then Print, email, or Save to a better location as you choose.

The certificate provides third party proof that you completed this training. Having a copy just might keep you from having to retake this training should you switch jobs or add another one.
We recommend that you keep a copy of this certificate for your records, and give a copy to your immediate supervisor to let them know that you have completed the training.
Any certificate issued by Required Training Solutions may be validated at any time via our certificate validator tool.
We want to review what to do just in case everything is NOT complete, and you’re not able to move past this screen.
If tapping or clicking the “I’m All Done” button produces the error message “NOT PERMITTED” or “NOT ALLOWED“, the system is showing that one of these things is lacking:
not all Lessons checked off as Understood
not all quiz/exam questions answered, or not enough answered correctly
not enough time spent with the content
The error message box below the “NOT ALLOWED” message will give you a small amount of information as to what is wrong.
If content is called out:
Use the left sidebar to identify and jump to incomplete lessons.
Use the checkmark button once you have understood the content.
As you do so, the open or half-circles in the left sidebar will turn to checked circles.
If quiz questions are the cause:
Use the left sidebar to identify and jump to incomplete quizzes, OR,
Exit the course using the fuel gauge icon at top right and choose the Gradebook link from the My Courses tab.
Make a note of any quizzes in blue or yellow color, then return to the course by using the Back button, then Launch Course.
Complete any unsubmitted quizzes by answering all the questions. You do this by clicking or tapping on your answer choice, then Save Answer, then Next Question in the reading pane.
When there is no Next Question, click or tab the Submit (gavel icon) button.
Review the questions and provided answers, making notes if necessary. Use the Retake Quiz button (circle arrow icon) at the bottom center windowsill of the answers explained screen to retake the quiz if necessary.
If no Retake Quiz (circle arrow) button is presented, you do NOT need to retake that quiz.
If time spent is the cause:
Review any sections you desire to use up more time.
You will need to click within the course (backwards or forwards) at least once every ten minutes else the system will time you out and return you to the My Dashboard screen.
Once at the My Dashboard screen, your time spent with the material up to the moment of the timeout will still be saved, but your timer will stop counting up.
After clicking “Launch Course” to return to the course, when you have one second more than the required minimum time spent, you may click “I’m All Done” and submit your course.
Ready to move forward and view your certificate?
First, tap or click the Understood check mark button in the center windowsill.
Next, tap or click the I'm All Done right arrow in the right windowsill.
©2022 Required Training Solutions. All Rights Reserved.
Ready to move forward and view your certificate?
First, tap or click the Understood check mark button in the center windowsill.
Next, tap or click the I'm All Done right arrow in the right windowsill.
©2022 Required Training Solutions. All Rights Reserved.